First Days Winter Coat Event at South Lake - Wednesday 10th November
It's that time of year when it’s turning colder and the children may need a nice warm coat. Over the last few years, we, at South Lake have worked with First Days who support families within our community. We understand this can be a difficult time for some and First Days are here to help you. They are amazing and have come to South Lake before and provided free school uniform to our families.
We are pleased to let you know that First Days are hosting a winter coat event here at South Lake next Wednesday, 10th November and will be here, in the back playground from 0830 offering coats for ages 2-18. If you are unable to come along at this time, they will be set up on the same day at Woodley Precinct from 12:00.
For further information about First Days, please visit their website;
Of course, we are here too, so please do contact us should you have any questions at all.