**URGENT** Forms for Medication and allergies

Forms are available outside reception for medication and allergies along with a guidance sheet detailing what is needed to be returned with the forms. If you could please collect the forms needed, complete and return them along with medication if required, to your class teacher as soon as possible we would appreciate it.
Should you have any queries please contact the school office - 01189 691672
If your child has Asthma and needs an inhaler in school
Please complete the Asthma Action Plan form and return to your class teacher along with;
- An inhaler
- A passport sized photograph of your child.
If your child has an allergy requiring medication such as an epi pen and or a food allergy
Please complete the Allergy Action Plan form and the Caterlink Special Diet and Allergy form and return to your class teacher along with;
- 2 sets of medication, (one to be kept in the classroom and one for the office)
- 2 passport sized photographs
- A doctors or consultant letter confirming details of the allergy (where it is a food allergy)
All forms and medication must be returned to school as soon as possible