Hot Weather

As the weather continues to heat up, we wanted to inform you of the measures we have in place to keep the children protected from the sun.
During playtimes and lunchtimes children will encouraged to play games in the shade and wear a hat. We also have classrooms open for children to stay in should they wish to remain inside. We are discouraging children from running around in the sun during break times and all children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day and especially during break and lunchtime.
The Years 3 & 4 Walk a Mile activity has been moved to the beginning of day and will be completed by 0930 to take advantage of the cooler temperatures. PE lessons have also been altered to avoid the main heat of the day and many will take place inside.
Currently Foundation Sports Day tomorrow 27th June will go ahead as starting at 0915 and we aim to be finished by 1000. Please could we ask you to apply sun cream to your children before school and also ensure they have water bottles. We have altered some races to shorten the time children are outside.