Through the teaching of RE at South Lake, we aim to develop pupils who are aware of their own identity, beliefs and values and how these can have a positive impact on those around them who hold the same or different beliefs and viewpoints.
Pupils will gain knowledge, appropriate religious vocabulary and skills in listening, respecting, enquiring, discussing, information gathering and sharing, starting in Early Years and continuing through KS2. We aim to develop confident, respectful, open- minded and tolerant citizens.
Children will learn about and gain insight into the religions within the world we live. As children progress through South Lake they will continue to make links, and build on their knowledge and understanding of the religions studied, as well as learning subject-specific vocabulary associated with each religion.
At South Lake, pupils will study Christianity in each year group and by the end of KS2 will have studied Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism.
For religious education, we follow the Pan-Berkshire RE Agreed Syllabus; the syllabus is available below.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please contact the school if you wish to discuss this for your child.