Message from the PTFA
Hi all. On Thursday evening at 7 is the PTFA's AGM. Our PTFA is amazing and we try to do whatever we can to raise money for all the children at South Lake. But we are always on the look out for any new members. You don’t need to come to official meetings, we have teams of people who run the various events- so it could be you join one of these (Christmas/Secrets room/discos/quiz/film night/Family Fun). Alternatively you could be a behind the scenes helper- wrapping presents for the grotto/designing programmes/folding tickets etc. Or you could ask your company to sponsor us- we are trying to help the school replace the computers in the ICT suite and Mr Tumelty would love a minibus to take the children to all the sports competitions. So you see EVERY child will benefit from the money we raise- hope to see you on Thursday!