Coronavirus update
You may well be aware that a member of staff at Willowbank Infant School has tested positive for the Coronavirus Covid 19. The school is taking all appropriate steps in response to this.
At this time we believe there is no immediate risk for South Lake school and we will open as normal on Monday.
We have already taken steps to encourage children to regularly wash their hands, and catch their sneezes. We are making sure there is extra soap and tissues in all toilets and classrooms. In addition, we will be supervising handwashing several times throughout the day. Advice on how best to protect yourself and your family is available on the Public Health England page of the Government website.
Mrs Butler-Willis is in regular contact with other Headteachers across the Borough so that we have the most up to date information about the situation.
If you feel you or your child has been in contact with an affected person please let us know by phone or email.
Thank you
Clare Payne
School Business Manager